Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Talk Like a Pirate Day and Cooking Without Power

Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day to you all!

     Because of Hurricane Irma, I decided not to have the giveaway this year but I do have a new post that will help you all in the future with hurricanes and power outages.

Here's how to heat up some soup when the power be out for very little money and some patience.

Items Needed:
Cans of soup or vegetables
4 bricks*
Commercial-grade sterno with wicks**
Small set of camping pots***

1) Place the sterno on a non-wooden surface such as your porch.
2) Take off the lid of the sterno and fluff the wick.
3) Place 2 bricks on opposite sides of the sterno, flat side down, touching the sterno.
4) Light the sterno.
5) Open the soup and pour it into the smaller of the pots and place it over the sterno, resting on the bricks.
6) Place the lid on the pot and let cook, stirring occasionally.
7) When the soup comes to a slow boil, cook for another 3-4 minutes and you're done.
8) Put the lid on the sterno and let it go out and cool off before putting away.

*You can get the bricks for less than $1 a piece at most hardware stores. I believe I paid $0.50 per at the local Home Depot.
**You can buy commercial-grade sterno from restaurant supply stores for less than $5 each and they run for about 4 hours. My local one charges about $2.50 per.
***I used the small pot and the lid from the Ozark Trail Cookware Set, which I bought at Wal-Mart for $9.88.

So all in all, not counting the soup and extra sternos, I paid around $15 for the basic setup and was able to cook up two cans of soup the first night. The sterno wasn't even halfway gone when I was done so I am able to use it at least one more time without worry.