Saturday, January 5, 2019

Instagram Account

     To celebrate the creation of the new The Pirate Chef IG account, enjoying some Delirium Noel in my Piraat glass!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

A New Year and a New Review

     Happy New Year's to all of you and to mark it, here's a new review for you as well.  Today, I will be reviewing Heavy Seas' Peg Leg imperial Stout.

     Now, I'm a lover of many types of beer, but stouts are definitely one of my favorites!  This stout has a great full-body taste and was a smooth and very enjoyable.  When I poured it into my favorite beer glass, a tulip-shaped glass from Piraat beer, it came out a nice reddish-brown with a tan head.  As I like to do, I took a nice sniff of the beer shortly after pouring it and picked up the aroma of roasted coffee beans with hints of chocolate, a common note amongst stouts due to the priority of malt over hops.  The hops that they use help to temper down some of the sweetness from the malts and keeps this from coming out like a dessert beer.

     This beer would pair very well with a nice espresso rubbed steak and a side of brussel sprouts w/ bacon and shallots. I definitely enjoyed this Peg Leg imperial stout and look forward to trying other beers from them as well.