Monday, September 2, 2019

Labor Day, Hurricane, & Rum

     So I'm sitting down, having just showered after battening down the hatches as hurricane Dorian looms on Florida's horizon this Labor Day, and think how nice a good drink would be right now.  The problem being that I didn't buy any of my normal accoutrements to go with some rum.  Not wanting to fight the panicked hordes at the stores, I know I have to have something in the fridge that I can make a decent drink with.  Lady Luck shined upon me and I came up with this nice little cocktail!

The Red Sky
The Pirate Chef

     Rocks glass
     3 Ice Cubes
     1 shot Spiced Rum

     1) Place the ice cubes in the rocks glass.
     2) Add in a shot of your favorite spiced rum
     3) Top it off with Vitamin Water Fire
     4) Stir & enjoy!

     The Vitaminwater Fire is a really unique drink as it's a spicy watermelon-lime drink that is not only cool & refreshing, but adds in a hint of heat on the back end of it.  This combined with the flavors of a spiced rum, make for a very unique flavor mashup that combines a hot summer day enjoying a nice cool watermelon, some homemade grog, and a touch of heat to get your taste buds going.  So will this Red Sky be a warning to you or result in some delight?