Saturday, January 29, 2022

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Prate's Life for Me! - I'm Back!

Ahoy & Happy New Year's to the lot of you!

    After taking some much needed time off, I'm back & I have a recipe for you.  While it may be new to you all, I have been using it for the past couple of years & it dates back to the 18th Century.  

    I speak of course of Kitchen Pepper!  This is not the first spice blend to be created and used in the world and likely not even in Jolly Olde England.  However, it may have been one of the first standardized forms of spice blends on record.

    Kitchen Pepper is a mix of salt, pepper, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, & cloves.  It was used in all types of cuisine; with a focus on stews, soups, & roasts.  This unique blend of spices also give the food an unmistakable Autumnal flavor.

    Personally, I like to use this primarily on meat dishes such as baked chicken, pork chops, & as a rub for slow cooker pulled pork.  I also enjoy using it on potatoes and vegetables & even on popcorn on occasion.

    In fact, my next post will be for a simple slow cooker pulled pork using this as the basic rub so stayed tuned mates!

Kitchen Pepper

Author Unknown


2 Tbls Salt

1 Tsp Ground Ginger

1/2 Tsp Ground Black Pepper

1/2 Tsp Ground Cinnamon

1/2 Tsp Ground Cloves

1/2 Part Ground Nutmeg


1) In a small bowl, mix all ingredient until well blended.

2) Store in an airtight container, keep dry, & use as needed.