Saturday, November 24, 2018

Belated Happy Thanksgiving!

A happy belated Thanksgiving to the lot of you!

     I usually try to wish you all a happy holiday on the day but I was a bit busy the past couple of days so I got to you all today instead!  As much as I love Thanksgiving dinner with my dad, I also love the days after with leftovers and other cooking.

     One of my favorite things to do is take the remains of the turkey, throw it in a big pot with broth and water, and let it simmer for several hours in order to make a base for some wonderful soup!  I took what was left of two large turkey breasts and put it in a large pot with 4 qts of vegetable broth & 2 qts of cold water.  I brought it up to a slow boil and reduced it to a simmer, where I will keep it as it cooks for the next 4-6 hrs.  Then I will discard the bones and let it cool before putting it away.

     Tomorrow, I will skim the fat off the top and make soup out of it with some vegetables and leftover turkey to make a nice turkey & escarole soup.

     I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and may this holiday season bring you happiness, full glasses, and much love!

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