Saturday, November 3, 2018

Things in the Thing Water - Inspired by Hellevator

     I recently got the chance to meet Jen & Sylvia Soska at a Halloween con in Orlando.  For those of you that don't know them, they were the hosts of a game show called Hellevator where contestants had to survive 4 levels of a haunted building to win a cash prize, where each lair was specially designed for their biggest fears.

     One of my favorite scenes is when a contestant is digging through a "soup" of stuff trying to find a piece to solve the puzzle and she screams, "there's things in the thing water!"

     So, it inspired me to take classic dish and give it a twist and here we have it! I hope you enjoy...

Things in the Thing Water Soup
The Pirate Chef

   1 Lb Grilled Meat (I used beef brats but any grilled meat should do)
   1 Head of Escarole
   64 oz Chicken Broth
   Grated Italian Cheese

   1) Cut meat into bite-size pieces, for brats and sausage, slice on the diagonal into bite-size pieces.
   2) Wash escarole thoroughly and tear into bite-size pieces.
   3) Pour the broth into a large pot, it should come up halfway or less, and bring to a boil.
   4) Stir the escarole into the broth, reduce to a simmer and cover, cook for 10 minutes.
   5) Stir the meat into the soup, cover and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
   6) Pour into bowls and and stir in grated cheese as desired.
   7) Enjoy!

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